
Part ⒈ Whales Remain in Nature, Dolphin Remain Free. Massage to the world from Japanese Activist.

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           Part 1. Let's Defend Together. 
          Whales Remain in Nature.
             Dolphin Remain Free.
           みんなで守れ  クジラは自然のままで、イルカは自由のままで

        Message to the World from Japanese Activist 

                         Continue to Part 2. Click link  パート2に続く。リンクをクリック。

Part 2. What they has to say.Wakayama prefecture Senator and Mayyor of TAIJI.

                                     Art by Keiko T. Olds / Translation to English by Keiko A. Olds

〜Dolphin hunting in Taiji in What began as a fishing homestretch in 1969, earlier in the homestretch fishing could not have been made.〜

〜⬇︎Watch this Video⬇︎〜

◆Seventy-five per cent of Japanese whale meat 'unsold' 14 Jun 2012


◆NEWS : Participation also from ceremony Taiji fishing in scientific whaling start
September 5. 2014
Today, towards the start of the scientific whaling that assess the impact on coastal fisheries by minke whales in Hokkaido Kushiro (9/5), the ceremony was held in Kushiro Port.

This research of whaling, boarded the six sailors from fishing cooperatives of Taiji. Wakayama Prefecture "Dainana Katsumaru " also participate  together with Miyagi Prefecture and Chiba Prefecture on a small whaling ship. They hope to research whaling on the four ships.
The four vessels that had planned to sail today because of the bad weather, it was postponed the departure.

There were Four ships of the whaling ship. The coast of radius approximately 90 km with a focus on Kushiro Port. One is able to capture a maximum of 51 animals by the end of next month. Tomorrow or later, they begin as planed.

For the captured mink whale, they have decided to investigate the type and amount of fish that the whales eat as food.

The International Court of Justice has ruled that they restrict the Antarctic Ocean scientific whaling project of this year beginning March. The research of whaling is carried out in Kushiro for the first time.

◆ニュース:調査捕鯨開始で式典 太地漁業からも参加

From Keiko T. Olds
I have been opposing whaling and dolphin killing.
Although the reputation of the movie has increased, I have not seen The Cove movie until recently.
I had imagined a different image based on what other people had told me of the movie. When I actually watched The Cove and story wasn't ranting or blaming about the fishermen, its purpose was to inform the world of the their doing towards Dolphins in Taiji.
It included the Nature and ecology of dolphins. But it also was a great documentary film that appealed the right to life of the dolphin.
On the Wakayama governor's homepage, reports that the movie took pictures using a hidden camera, but in every documentary, there is always a hidden camera to ensure raw footage. Of course, the slaughter scene's painful scene, but I think I've seen a lot of slaughter scene in order to uncover the animal cruelty of the American factory farm and something everyone should see once in their lifetime.
The Cove movie urges the audience that the dolphins should remain wild. The dolphins spend a lifetime in the narrow pool or sold alive, and are unhappy as well as stressed. 

The Movie explained about how TAIJI was selling dolphin meat, but it revealed mostly that Dolphins were being sold alive across the world. 
Rick O'Barry caused a boom of the dolphin popularity during the old days as a dolphin trainer of the TV drama "Flipper" which was popular show in Japan as well as around the world. He hopes that the captured dolphins will be free for the dolphins to finish their short lives with stress. The capture of the Taiji dolphin has hurt his heart due to the act of Uritobasu to Aquarium of the circus as animal trafficking.
A few years ago, dolphins from Taiji were sold to aquariums for around 100 million 50 million yen. Dolphins that he sell 10 million or more per head. Dolphins of Taiji's sell well in overseas.
Whaling countries such as Japan was believed to have the best common sense of the world, but it showed that of whaling in the Southern Ocean using a large ship. They never thought that Taiji would be catching Dolphins as well as fish.  
It was never captured until the small fishing village taking whales from the seas was not known to most people.
The media shows small amounts of whale hunting Taiji screenings, but The Cove has been performed in many parts of Japan has become the villain to the Dolphins.  I am very sorry because of the Dolphins whom suffer during the capture.

And recently, I have seen the  "Living with the whale" Japanese national broadcaster NHK documentary drama.
Sea Shepherd and the anti-whaling organization are against the people of dolphin hunting in Taiji and has been long trying to interfere with it. It was something that drew the lives of the people of Taiji.
I am also Japanese, and I understand what Taiji is going through and their pride of traditional hunting. They do not know why people are opposing their way of hunting whales.
"Are Pigs and cows allowed to be killed? Are other countries allowed to kill dogs? Why are we not allowed to kill smart animals like Dolphins? What can we do to make anti-Taiji understand our way of life?" This quote was said by a beautiful daughter of a fishermen. This scene was quite moving and embedded with question as well as sadness. 
However, it's unfortunate that the NHK documentary I did not mention the sale of dolphins in Taiji. Nor did they mentioned Rick O'Barry. Only harassment behavior and rants from the Sea Shepherd was emphasized.

Whales arrived on land about 50 million years ago. Then, about 30 millions ago, they returned to the sea. This rapid evolution is mind boggling and to think they are living to this day is quite an extraordinary thought. Mankind has arrived 40-50 thousand years ago, but compared to whales, humans has significantly below the times of whales. 
Whales are a living fossil, and has lived thousands of years. It has owned the ocean ecosystem.
The same as human beings have been living in the land, sea organisms have been living in the sea.
Similar family life of people, education, joy, sadness and drama of the whales is not visible to humans because we treat them as a meat source. 
Animals and nature has increased people to notice and should not be destroyed by human beings. 
Wild animals is something to protect as well as the natural environment rather than treat it as human resources.
Just because people say Dolphins and whales eat too much of their fish, it is not our decision to determine the population of these animals and attempt to control it.
Nature is to be kept by the power of nature. It will balance by its self. Even if it increases in population, it will go back to normal. Before human appearance, it has always kept the earth populations under control.
Whales obviously relies on the ocean for their food source. Humans should not forcefully take from the sea, claiming it is their own. People should share the seas with the whales and dolphins and take only what the sea allows. 
〜Keiko Olds〜





★I introduce the activists who tries Protect the Japan of whales and dolphins here.

Q : Why do you want to protect the whales?

Morioka : In the beginning, I did not only protect whales but I began to want to protect the lives of all animals. I began the activities and projects of protection of the marine animal as one of its activities.
Initially, in Japan, there were many animal welfare organizations. The activists of the organization that began to protect the marine animal rights did not exist. 
So, in September 2012, a dozen of activists and I launched one of the meetings in which many people gathered. 
It is the current "Action for Marine Mammals (AMM)".
Even now, we will, on a regular basis activities protect the right of whales to live freely.

Q: A word to the people of the world

Morioka : Maintain unity and solidarity! Let's fight together for the whales release.



Q:世界の人にひとこ と

Message you want to convey to the dolphin activists of Taiji

Like many Japanese activists, seeing the Academy-winning documentary “The Cove” was, for me, a wake-up call to the horrible problem of the dolphin drive hunt in Japan. Until then, we Japanese knew little more than the rest of the world about what went on in that cove in Hatajiri Bay. In this regard, we are deeply grateful to, and hold in high respect, Ric O’Barry and the other activists who created the movie.
It is no exaggeration to say that the Tokyo-based group “Action for Marine Mammals” owes its foundation to the enlightenment that their activism brought us. Currently our work centers on opposing the dolphin drive hunts, ending whaling in the Southern Ocean and saving captive marine mammals forced to perform for entertainment. One fundamental difference between the situation in Tokyo and that in Taiji is that Japanese activists are working independently to end the dolphin drive hunt.

It goes without saying that the center of dolphin drive hunting is Taiji in Wakayama. However, regardless of how closely the activity in this remote village is monitored, the situation remains unchanged. For foreigners to lecture the fishermen on the inhumanity of the hunt is meaningless. While there is demand (dolphin shows), there will also be a supply (drive hunts). While they have permission to kill some, they will continue to eat dolphin meat. The source of that permission is the government in Tokyo. If there is no change in Tokyo, there will be no change in Taiji. If we cannot reform the center of the nation, awareness and institutions in the provinces will not change either. Sad to say, that’s what kind of country Japan is these days.
There is something I’d like to say to the Cove Monitors of SJD, the Cove Guardians of SSCS and other such organizations active in Taiji. It is not seen as normal, legitimate or even acceptable for overseas activist groups to operate in this remote corner of Japan as if it were their own backyard. The current presence and activities of monitors do nothing but contribute to anti-Japanese prejudice, discrimination and hatred. This is neither necessary nor even useful. If you think you are supporting Japanese activists, you are gravely mistaken. Some of your efforts have already been interpreted as an attempt to create an apparently Japanese puppet organization.

If you were to view the problem from the other side you would easily understand why the people of Taiji have so far resisted your efforts. Isn’t it time to give serious thought to the sad situation that the efforts of overseas activist organizations in Taiji are having the reverse effect?

Instead of hiding your light in this remote corner, why not come to Tokyo and boldly address the government in Kasumigaseki? How about protesting the dolphinariums that are the root of the problem? Why not enlighten the general Japanese public to the problem? There are other places to go and work to be done. Attention needs to be paid to the fact that the root of the crime is not the same as the scene of the crime.
In fact, there is nothing left to do at the cove in Taiji that requires overseas activists. I beg you to leave Taiji. If you wish to save the dolphins of Japan, I hope you will cross the fences between organizations and the walls between nations, and combine your efforts with those of Japanese activists here in Tokyo. Together we can change Japan.

Action for Marine Mammals 
RepresentativeToshiaki Morioka

                         He was Exclusive interviewed to Ric O'Barry (Aug. 2014)



私 たち東京の「海洋哺乳類を守る会 (Action for Maine Mammals)」は彼らの活動に啓発されて発足した団体だといっても過言ではありません。現在、日本のイルカ猟に反対する活動、南極海における調査捕鯨 廃止に向けた活動、娯楽のために搾取され使役される海洋動物を救う活動を中心に行なっています。日本人の活動家たちがイルカ猟問題解決のために主体的に活動しているという点において東京と太地は基本的に異なっています。

言うまでもなく、イルカの追い込み猟が主に行われているのは和歌山県の太地町です。ただ、その田舎の町でいくらイルカ猟をモニターしても現実は変わりませ ん。外国人が漁師さんたちに猟の非人道性を講釈してもナンセンスです。需要(イルカショー)があるから供給(イルカ猟)があるのです。(捕殺の)許可が出 ているから彼らは猟をして、イルカを食べているのです。そして、その許可を出しているのは「お上」である東京です。東京(霞ヶ関)が変わらなければ、太地 も変わりません。日本という国は中心から変革しなければローカルの制度も意識も決して変わりません。残念ながら、現在の日本はそういう国なのです。

SJD のコーヴ・モニター、SSCSのコーヴ・ガーディアンズ、その他太地で活動している外国人の活動家の方たちにひとこと物申したいと思います。外国の組織が 日本の辺境の地に来て自分の裏庭であるかのように活動している現在のスタイルはあらゆる意味において正常ではありません。現在の太地における皆さんの存在 とモニター活動は、日本への差別と偏見、憎悪を助長する作用以外になにももたらしません。不要であり無用です。もし「日本人の活動家を助けている」とでも 考えているならば勘違いも甚だしい。皆さんのそれらの努力のいくつかは、自分たちの「かいらい」の団体を作るためのものと思われています。

これ以上コソコソと太地の僻地にこもっていないで、このあたりで東京に出てきて堂々と霞が関に意見してはいかがですか?問題の根源である水族館に抗議しては どうですか?日本の一般国民に対して啓発活動を行ってはいかがでしょうか?行くべき場所、やるべき作業はもっと他にたくさんあるはずです。「悲劇の現場」 と「問題の現場」とは必ずしも同じ場所ではないということに、深く留意すべきではないかと思います。


2014 Japan Dolphins Day Tokyo    ジャパンドルフィンズデー東京

Tokyo Protest. Jan. 14. 2014

                                  DEC.2014 Mr.Ric O'barry and Mr. Morioka

                           Whale is Protecting the Dolphin of Handicap


▼It is necessary to resolve dolphin problem

The first biggest step to resolve the dolphin problem is to inform many Japanese people
About the current status of dolphin.
In a democracy, the minority opinions does not resolve any problems.

Through the activities up to today, I have found that  most of the Japanese do not know the dolphin hunting.

To people who did not know the dolphin hunting, when talking about this subject,
Most of the people shows the reaction of "is that a true story?" And "incredible", "poor animals" is returned as an answer.
I feel great hope in this reaction.

First of all. to many Japanese people, get to know the the exact information about the dolphin issue and you are already one step toward improvement.

▼The difference between Japan and overseas 

Looking at the current situation of oversea countries, there are more people who knows about dolphin hunting more than people in Japan.
Overseas. The dolphin problem is featured in television and newspapers.
It is, therefore, considered that the oversea activists can become a major force.

In Japan, dolphin hunting is rarely brought to the headline news of TV and newspaper.
Many Japanese do not know the exact information about the dolphin hunting, killing and aquarium trafficking.
Through activist activities due to the dolphin aquariums 

Many Japanese thought that Dolphins increased by breeding,
No way, it is to be captured from the sea. It is something you do not think about.

About the dolphin issue, and awareness of overseas, given the current state of Japan domestic awareness, the start line to stop these dolphin issues would not have occurred.

▼The last moment
〜Those whom love Dolphins, I have a few words to say to you〜
Of Japan, dolphin aquarium and similar facilities are accommodated,
55 aquariums has over 582 dolphins are housed (* Sakae Henmi Yukari Sugisaka "Japan's dolphins have been bred at the facility").
This is a 2013 survey result. Currently, it is said to have increased to more than 600 animals.

This in such circumstances, the construction of a new aquarium in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, And it is progressing to be build in 2015 spring.
In Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture, has plans to underway a "Whale Pond".

Still, the capture of dolphins is most likely to continue.

Flipper's Japan Representative 
Komiyama Satoshi

イルカ問題の解決 にはまず、多くの日本国民にイルカの現状を知ってもらうことが大きな一歩だと考えます。



海外の現状を見ると、多くの人々が日本で行われている 、イルカ猟に関して知っていることに驚かされます。



イルカ問題に関する、海外の認知度と、日本国内の認知度の現状を考えると、日本 は、まだイルカ問題解決のスタートラインにも立っていないのかもしれません。

日本国内の、イルカが収容されている水族館及び類似施設は、55館あり582頭のイルカが収容されています(*「日本の施設で飼育されているイルカたち」 辺見栄 杉坂ゆかり)。



Flipper's Japan
代表 小宮山聡


Izumi Ishii

Third-generation fisherman of Ito. She had been dolphin hunting.
In response to the increase in dolphin fishing quotas ,during '96 in Futo, a decision was made to stop the dolphin fishermen. Until then, she thought it was "sad to see the Dolphins die, but it was for the sake of our living".  With her hands together in the mind, she looked back and a "flood of emotions began to arise in the wake of this incident and [she] knew she to make a change". Before, she found out from her grandfather that he too, thought that dolphin killing was a sad thing. She will continue working with the fishing boat and dolphin watching.

Please see the interview video.


 Dear Japanese Fishermen of Taiji,  from Yoko Ono Lennon
I understand how you must feel about the one-sided-ness of the West to be angry at your traditional capture and slaughter of Dolphins. But that tradition was made only when the world, and Japanese Fishermen did not know what it meant to do harm to the Dolphins. I'm sure you have heard so many speeches in which all of these things have been discussed. So I will not bore you with it.
But I think you should think of this situation from the point-of-view of the big picture. Japan has gone through such hard times lately. And we need the sympathy and help of the rest of the world. It will give an excuse for big countries and their children in China, India and Russia to speak ill of Japan when we should be communicating our strong love for peace, not violence.
I am sure that it is not easy, but please consider the safety of the future of Japan, surrounded by many powerful countries which are always looking for the chance to weaken the power of our country. The future of Japan and its safety depends on many situations, but what you do with Dolphins now can create a very bad relationship with the whole world.
The way you are insisting on a big celebration of killing so many Dolphins and kidnapping some of them to sell to the zoos and restaurants at this very politically sensitive time, will make the children of the world hate the Japanese.
For many, many years and decades we have worked hard to receive true understanding of the Japanese from the world. And, because of our effort, Japan is now respected as a country of good power and ingenuity. This did not happen without our efforts of many decades.
But what we enjoy now, can be destroyed literally in one day. I beg of you to consider our precarious situation after the nuclear disaster (which could very well effect the rest of the world, as well).
Please use political tact and cancel the festival which will be considered by the rest of the world as a sign of Japanese arrogance, ignorance, and love for an act of violence.
Thank you.
Yoko Ono Lennon
20 January 2014  
cc Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe

2014年1月20日 ヨーコ・オノ・レノン











Cc 日本国総理大臣 安倍晋三殿
(翻訳:Kyoko Kiki Tanaka)


3/27/2015 YAHOO NEWS
Japan whaling ships return home from Antarctic with no catch

Japanese whaling ships returned home from the Antarctic on Saturday for the first time in nearly 30 years with no catch onboard, after a UN court ordered an end to their annual hunt, local media reported.
The two ships -- the 724-ton Yushinmaru and the 747-ton Daini (No 2) Yushinmaru -- arrived at a port in western Shimonoseki city, a major whaling base.

It was the first return by Japanese whalers without catching any whales since 1987 when the country began the annual "research" hunt in the Antarctic, the Asahi Shimbun said.

The two ships did not face any attacks by anti-whaling activists during their three-months voyage, the daily added.

Tokyo had said this season's excursion would not involve any lethal hunting. Harpoons normally used in the capture of the giant mammals were removed from the vessels.

Crew members on the two boats carried out "sighting surveys" and took skin samples from the huge marine mammals, news reports said. 

The non-lethal research came after the International Court of Justice -- the highest court of the United Nations -- ruled in March last year that Tokyo was abusing a scientific exemption set out in the 1986 moratorium on whaling.

The UN court concluded Tokyo was carrying out a commercial hunt under a veneer of science.

After the ruling, Japan said it would not hunt during this winter's Antarctic mission, but has since expressed its intention to resume "research whaling" in 2015-16.

In a new plan submitted to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and its Scientific Committee, Tokyo set an annual target of 333 minke whales for future hunts, down from some 900 under the previous programme.

It also defined the research period as 12 years from fiscal 2015 in response to the court's criticism of the programme's open-ended nature.

"By collecting scientific data, we aim to resume commercial whaling," agriculture, forestry and fisheries minister Yoshimasa Hayashi told reporters in the city as he attended a ceremony for their return.

The Japan Coast Guard patrols Ayukawa port as a whaling fleet departs from Ishinomaki City on April 26, 2014 (AFP Photo/Kazuhiro Nogi
Continue to Part 2. Click link  パート2に続く。リンクをクリック。

Part 2. What they has to say.Wakayama prefecture Senator and Mayyor of TAIJI.


"THE COVE" Dolphin hunt of Taiji Japan

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Taiji cove: Dolphin hunting season begins with death of first pot

Agence France-Presse
Fisherman corral dolphins during last season's hunt in Taiji, Japan. Photo: Reuters
Tokyo: The first dolphins of the season have been slaughtered in the small Japanese town of Taiji, campaigners say, starting an annual cull highlighted in the Oscar-winning documentary The Cove and repeatedly condemned by animal rights groups.
Activists from the environmentalist group Sea Shepherd have been monitoring a bay in Taiji, southwestern Japan, since the six-month dolphin hunting season began earlier this month.
"First pod of 2014-2015 being driven into cove now," the activists from Sea Shepherd, who call themselves "Cove Guardians", posted on Twitter at 10.33am local time.
About an hour later, @CoveGuardians on Twitter said: "First dolphin murder of the drive hunt season is complete as dead bodies are dragged to Taiji butcherhouse."
There were no details on the number of kills.
The local fishermen's association said they could not immediately confirm the report.
The campaigners are streaming live footage of a secluded bay into which local fishermen corral hundreds of dolphins for slaughter, a practice that thrust the small town into the global spotlight in 2010 when it became the subject of the Oscar-winning documentary The Cove.
Defenders say it is a tradition and point out that the animals it targets are not endangered, a position echoed by the Japanese government.
They say Western objections are hypocritical and ignore the vastly larger number of cows, pigs and sheep butchered to satisfy demand elsewhere.
But critics of the practice say there is insufficient demand for the animals' meat, which in any case contains dangerous levels of mercury.
The annual dolphin hunting season opened on September 1, and is expected to continue until the end of February.
Agence France-Presse 

SEP 17, 2014
The first dolphins of the season were slaughtered Tuesday in the small town of Taiji, Wakayama Prefecture, campaigners and a local fishermen’s union said, commencing an annual cull repeatedly condemned by animal rights groups.
Activists from the environmentalist group Sea Shepherd have been monitoring a bay in Taiji since the six-month dolphin season began earlier this month.
“First pod of 2014-2015 being driven into cove now,” the activists from Sea Shepherd, who call themselves “Cove Guardians,” tweeted at 10:33 a.m.
About an hour later, @CoveGuardians said: “First dolphin murder of the drive hunt season is complete as dead bodies are dragged to Taiji butcherhouse.”
An official from the local fishermen’s union confirmed they had made the first catch of the season.
“We caught 12 Risso’s dolphins,” he said, adding they had already been killed for their meat.
There were no dolphins left in the bay, he said, and fishermen would continue with their hunt over the coming days.
The campaigners are streaming live footage of a secluded bay, into which local fishermen corral hundreds of dolphins for slaughter, a practice that thrust the small town into the global spotlight in 2010 when it became the subject of the Oscar-winning documentary “The Cove.”
Defenders say it is a tradition and point out that the animals it targets are not endangered, a position echoed by the Japanese government.
They say Western objections are hypocritical and ignore the vastly larger number of cows, pigs and sheep butchered to satisfy demand elsewhere.
But critics of the practice say there is insufficient demand for the animals’ meat, which in any case contains dangerous levels of mercury.
The annual dolphin hunting season opened Sept. 1 and is expected to continue until the end of February.
Japan has self-imposed restrictions on dolphin hunting, allowing the catching of seven species with quotas for each prefecture in which they are hunted.
In the case of Wakayama Prefecture, quotas for local fishermen are set just under 2,000 short-finned pilot whales and false killer whales, and Pacific white-sided, striped, bottlenose, Pantropical spotted, and Risso’s dolphins.
“These restrictions are imposed so that the marine resources can be used sustainably,” a Fisheries Agency official said.
Last season, the slaughter sparked renewed global criticism after U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy tweeted her concern at the “inhumaneness” of the hunt.
The first dolphin kill of the season came as the sharply split International Whaling Commission meeting opened in Slovenia on Monday, where Japan is expected to announce its controversial plans to resume Antarctic whaling.
It is the first global meeting on whaling since the United Nations’ highest court handed down a verdict in March that Japan had abused a loophole in the international whaling moratorium that allows for lethal scientific research.he campaigners are streaming live footage of a secluded bay, into which local fishermen corral hundreds of dolphins for slaughter, a practice that thrust the small town into the global spotlight in 2010 when it became the subject of the Oscar-winning documentary “The Cove.”
Defenders say it is a tradition and point out that the animals it targets are not endangered, a position echoed by the Japanese government.
They say Western objections are hypocritical and ignore the vastly larger number of cows, pigs and sheep butchered to satisfy demand elsewhere.
But critics of the practice say there is insufficient demand for the animals’ meat, which in any case contains dangerous levels of mercury.
The annual dolphin hunting season opened Sept. 1 and is expected to continue until the end of February.
Japan has self-imposed restrictions on dolphin hunting, allowing the catching of seven species with quotas for each prefecture in which they are hunted.
In the case of Wakayama Prefecture, quotas for local fishermen are set just under 2,000 short-finned pilot whales and false killer whales, and Pacific white-sided, striped, bottlenose, Pantropical spotted, and Risso’s dolphins.
“These restrictions are imposed so that the marine resources can be used sustainably,” a Fisheries Agency official said.
Last season, the slaughter sparked renewed global criticism after U.S. Ambassador Caroline Kennedy tweeted her concern at the “inhumaneness” of the hunt.
The first dolphin kill of the season came as the sharply split International Whaling Commission meeting opened in Slovenia on Monday, where Japan is expected to announce its controversial plans to resume Antarctic whaling.
It is the first global meeting on whaling since the United Nations’ highest court handed down a verdict in March that Japan had abused a loophole in the international whaling moratorium that allows for lethal scientific research.

Global Animal 
September 15, 2014
Taiji, Japan’s six-month-long dolphin slaughter, where over 20,000 dolphins are corralled into a cove and killed each year, is now underway.
Critics recognize the cruelty of this gruesome practice, and are working to dolphin hunting in Japan once and for all. Read on to learn more about Taiji dolphin hunting season, and how you can help save thousands of dolphins from slaughter. — Global Animal
Dolphin Hunting 450x270 Dolphin Killing Season: This Slaughter Must Stop!
Dolphin hunters corral hundreds of dolphins at a time. Photo credit: Sea Shepherd/EPA
The Guardian
The controversial six-month dolphin hunting season began on Monday in the infamous town of Taiji, but bad weather would delay any killing, a local official told AFP.
The annual catch, in which people from the southwestern town corral hundreds of dolphins into a secluded bay and butcher them, was thrust into the global spotlight in 2009 when it became the subject of the Oscar-winning documentary The Cove.
“The dolphin hunting season started today and will last until the end of February,” said an official of the Taiji fisheries association, adding the season for hunting pilot whales, which also begins today, will last until April.
Dolphin Hunt 450x187 Dolphin Killing Season: This Slaughter Must Stop!
Critics of dolphin hunting claim there is not a high enough demand for dolphin meat. Photo credit: Gregorio B. Dantes Jr.
But bad weather on Monday meant there would be no hunting on the day, he said.
Environmental campaigners are already in situ to watch the hunt, the official said.
Last season, activists from international environmental group Sea Shepherd, who call themselves “Cove Guardians,” streamed live footage of the dolphin capture.
Earlier this year, the slaughter sparked renewed global criticism after US ambassador to Japan Caroline Kennedy tweeted her concern at the “inhumaneness” of the hunt.
Defenders say it is a tradition and point out that the animals it targets are not endangered, a position echoed by the Japanese government.
They say Western objections are hypocritical and ignore the vastly larger number of cows, pigs and sheep butchered to satisfy demand elsewhere.
2DolphinEPA 468x246 300x157 Dolphin Killing Season: This Slaughter Must Stop!
Dolphin meat contains dangerous levels of mercury. Photo credit: The Cove
But critics of the practice say there is insufficient demand for the animals’ meat, which in any case contains dangerous levels of mercury.
They say the hunt is only profitable because of the high prices live dolphins can fetch when sold to aquariums and dolphin shows.
On Sunday around 30 people marched in Tokyo to protest the hunt, which they say sullies Japan’s reputation abroad.

Text that was submitted to the WAZA /March 2014

Wakayama Prefecture’s Views on Dolphin Fishery

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Q.1 What are Wakayama Prefecture’s views on the American film “The Cove”?

“The Cove” is a film which shows a depiction construed only from the viewpoint of dolphin protectionism. There are other countries and regions in the world where whaling and dolphin fisheries are conducted, and these countries and regions share commonalities in terms of geography, history, economy and culture. These countries and regions, however, are not mentioned at all in the film. 
A great number of people in the world eat meat. In order to do so, we cannot help taking the lives of carefully-raised domestic animals.
Usually the killing of animals for food is carefully arranged, and it is conducted in out-of-sight abattoirs. In spite of these situations, “The Cove” filmed secretly the scenes of dying dolphins, and depicted their death in a manner designed to excite outrage. The filmmakers even seems to unapologetically boast about their secret recording techniques including them as a part of its feature.
The film overstates mercury contamination by saying that dolphin meat contains 2,000ppm of mercury. This concentration, however, is very far from the actual figures. The film also includes distorted contents such as “the dolphin meat is sold in the disguise of whale meat to cover up the mercury contamination”, “the Japanese people don’t know that dolphin meat is eaten in the country because the media cover up related information”, and “Japan’s affirmation that it will continue whaling and dolphin fisheries is due to the Japanese classic imperialism.” These comments depart from the truth. As such, both the film-making procedures and the contents of the film are far from being acceptable for us.
The Taiji dolphin fishery has been a target of repeated psychological harassment and interference by aggressive foreign animal protection organizations. Taiji dolphin fishermen are just conducting a legal fishing activity in their traditional way in full accordance with regulations and rules under the supervision of both the national and the prefectural governments. Therefore, we believe there are no reasons to criticize the Taiji dolphin fishery.
It is inexcusable to criticize the Taiji dolphin fishermen, as the film does, based on one-sided moral standards and wrong information. Such criticisms are an unfair threat to the fishermen’s rights to make a living and offend the history and pride of the town.

Q.2 Why does Wakayama Prefectural Government permit the dolphin fishery?

Wakayama Prefecture regards the dolphin fishery as one of the significant fishery industries in the southern part of the prefecture. This comes from our belief that the dolphin fishery is a local traditional culture and that sustainable use and management of marine resources should be conducted based on scientific evidence.
Taiji, located on the east coast of the Kii Peninsula, is a small town whose population is 3,500. Located far away from the centers of economic activity, the town has a 400-year history as the cradle of whaling, and has flourished over the years thanks to whaling and the dolphin fishery. The food culture and traditional events related to whales and dolphins still strongly remain in the town, and the dolphin fishery is still an indispensable industry for the local residents to make their living.
Relevant authorities control fishing activities in order not to excessively endanger our natural resources. Whales and dolphins are also regarded as one of the marine resources which can be harvested in a sustainable manner under proper management. The national government carried out scientific research, and it sets harvesting quotas every year only for abundant dolphin species.
Overfishing may bring about depletion of precious resources or even the endangerment of the species. Accordingly, the dolphin fishery is conducted based on scientific information provided by resource abundance surveys, and capture permits are granted to the extent that they do not represent any risk from the standpoint of resource conservation.

Q.3 Europe and America quitted whaling for the purpose of protecting cetaceans. Why does Wakayama Prefecture continue whaling?

Since the 1960s, the major whaling countries in Europe and America began to withdraw from the whaling industry not only because of depleted stocks but because it was becoming unprofitable. In 1972, the UN Conference on the Human Environment decided to adopt a 10-year moratorium on commercial whaling, and afterward there was an increase in the number of anti-whaling countries joining the International Whaling Commission (IWC). In 1982, the IWC adopted a temporary suspension of commercial whaling of 13 species of whales including large-size baleen whales, and Japan also ceased commercial whaling after 1986.
We do not, however, accept the idea that only whale and dolphin meat is special, unlike beef or pork, and that therefore we should not utilize these resources as food. There are also other countries and regions in the world where people make a living by whaling. For them too, whale meat is an invaluable source of protein.
Japan’s research whaling is conducted in accordance with Article 8 of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling. The research shows that other marine resources such as minke whales have increased. Abundant cetacean resources can be utilized as food in a sustainable manner and Japan is contributing to the international management of marine resources through its research surveys on cetacean resource abundance.
On the other hand, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) has no jurisdiction over small-size cetaceans such as dolphins, and each country has the responsibility for management of these resources. Japan also controls the available number of small-size cetaceans for each species based on scientific surveys and permits their capture in numbers that do not affect the abundance of these resources.

Q.4 Killing a lot of dolphins and eating their meat is not “Tradition” or “Culture.”

Geographically Japan is surrounded by oceans, and marine resources have been a significant source of protein for the people of Japan since ancient times. Whales and dolphins are a part of such resources, and it has been established that the Jomon people began to utilize them as food thousands of years ago.
The southern part of Wakayama prefecture has little arable land with many precipitous mountains. Because of this, it has been natural for the local residents to take whales and dolphins which come close to the coast, and utilize them as food. In Japan, we utilize all parts of whales for various purposes not only as food but also as materials to make craft products. Since its beginning, the substance of our whaling has been different from that of other countries which, until petroleum came into use, killed an enormous number of whales for the sole purpose of obtaining whale oil, throwing the meat away into the ocean.
For fishermen in Taiji, whaling and dolphin fishery has been their way of making a living. It has been a significant industry and part of the culture of the region which has a geographically harsh environment. In gratitude for the blessings of nature, Taiji people have the custom of regularly holding a memorial service for the whales and dolphins with a feeling of awe and respect for them. Farmers who raise livestock to later kill and eat them are the same. They feel a sense of guilt about killing their livestock and eat their meat with gratitude to nature. 
Criticizing these activities and inflaming the public through incorrect and wrongful information is just imposing one-sided values on others.

Q.5 Japan is one of the major economic powers. The Japanese can live without eating whales and dolphins.

Whale and dolphin meat and their preserved products have been a precious source of protein for the residents of remote islands, peninsulas, and villages located deep in the mountains far from the centers of economic activity. Even now, there are regions across Japan where they keep whale and dolphin meat as their traditional food, and many people who used to eat such meat in their childhood miss the taste, and wish to buy and consume it. Why should someone try to ban these people from eating whale or dolphin meat just because there are other kinds of food available?
It is quite rare to find whale and dolphin meat in the markets but it is a fact that there is demand for them. Responding to such demand, there are fishermen who catch whales and dolphins, and they make a living by this fishery. Telling these fishermen to stop their whaling and dolphin fishery equals to telling them to abandon their livelihood. No one has a right to tell them to do so.

Q.6 Dolphin fishery damages both the image and the national interest of Japan.

In human society, dietary culture and habits are formed by various factors such as the climate, geography, history and religion of a region. Mutual respect, therefore, is very much critical. For instance, some religions strictly prohibit their believers from eating certain foods. They, however, do not denounce non-believers for eating such kinds of food simply because they are not allowed to. Dietary culture is a distinctive feature of each country, and no one has a right to decide which dietary cultures are right or barbaric. We will never be intimidated by those who try to impose their own one-sided values and preferences on us. We believe our pertinacious attitude does not damage either the image or the national interest of our country.

Q.7 Dolphins are intelligent animals and friendly to people. We feel very sorry that the Japanese eat them.

In order to survive, people take the lives of animals. In the Occident, hunting has been popular and people lived on animals hunted on land. Nowadays, they rely on stockbreeding, and they kill their livestock which they have raised with good care.
In Japan, before having meals, we press our hands together saying the word “Itadakimasu,” to express our gratitude to the sacrificed lives that are in front of us as part of the repast. Not only dolphins but also other animals including livestock such as cows and pigs display emotion and intelligence, and we are able to feel an affinity with such livestock. They are the same creatures as we are in terms of living substance. We, however, cannot help killing livestock to eat their meat. Do people criticize these activities as barbaric?
It will never be acceptable for us to blame the fishermen who hunt dolphins to make a living while observing the strict regulations which stipulate the species and the number of dolphins they can hunt.

Q.8 As dolphins contain high levels of mercury, they are not appropriate for food.

Mercury is a metal which exists widely in nature. Some mercury contained in seawater is absorbed by micro-organisms which are eaten by small-size fish, which are then eaten by large-size fish. Though such a food chain, mercury will be accumulated in large-size fish or sea mammals including dolphins. Studies show that dolphins, which belong to a higher level of the food chain, contain high levels of mercury in comparison with other fish and shellfish.
There is no doubt, however, that the amount of mercury in a dolphin is too scarce to cause acute poisoning (sudden illness developed within a few days after intake of the food), while studies have not proven yet the level of mercury which will develop damage to health in the future, if people take it regularly. It is, however, assumed that the mercury taken into one’s body with dolphin meat is gradually excreted. Indeed, it is not harmful for the health of grown-ups who have normal dietary habits. As proof of this view, there has been no report of mercury poisoning in our history including in Taiji, where people eat quite large amounts of dolphin meat.
Mercury, however, can pass through the human placenta and could possibly affect the development of the nervous system of a baby in the womb, although the effects are not so serious as to harm the child’s social ability. Therefore, in November 2005, the national government revised the “Advice for Pregnant Women on Fish Consumption and Mercury”. The revised regulation stipulates that the maximum level of mercury intake for a pregnant woman should be 2.0 micrograms (a microgram is one millionth of a gram) per week per one kilogram of body weight. This figure means a pregnant woman can eat 80 grams of bottlenose dolphin meat once in two months.
Since Wakayama Prefecture contains regions such as Taiji, where people consume large amounts of whale and dolphin meat, mothers’ classes (health guidance for pregnant women) run by municipalities advise them to avoid consuming too much of fishery products which contain high levels of mercury, together with encouraging them to eat a well-balanced diet of sea food.

Q.9 There is a possibility that consuming dolphin meat could bring about another Minamata disease.

Minamata disease was caused by repeated consumption of fishery products which were contaminated by industrial wastewater containing high levels of mercury. There is no problem with repeated consumption of fishery products which contain naturally delivered mercury, if the amount is within the maximum limit of intake of mercury levels. If we devise ways to eat, we can eat even fishery products which contain higher levels of mercury than the maximum intake limit because the human body excretes half the amount of consumption little by little in approximately 70 days.
Up to the present date, there have been no reports that naturally delivered mercury taken into the human body through sea food has caused any health damage. In fact, people in Taiji used to eat a larger amount of dolphin meat than nowadays as well as gaining income by shipping dolphin meat to other regions. There were, however, no reports of mercury poisoning.

Q.10 Some dolphin meat may be sold with fraudulent labeling.

Up to this time, no information concerning fraudulent labeling of dolphin meat has reached us. In case we obtain detailed information, we will conduct the necessary research in cooperation with both the national government and related municipalities. 
If we confirm the fact that fraudulent labeling has been conducted, we will instruct businesses in accordance with JAS (Act for Standardization and Proper Labeling of Agricultural and Forestry Products) to adhere to proper labeling practices.

Q.11  Is the method of dolphin fishery conducted in Taiji Town inhuman?

Dolphin drive hunting conducted in Taiji Town in past days was the fishery used by harpoon in order to capture after driving dolphins into coves as the film “The Cove” secretly shot.
However, after the year 2008 December, the method was changed as the same way which is conducted in Faroe Islands in Denmark in order to make the time that dolphins feel pain shorter.  By use of this method, the amount of time for slaughter was able to shorten one-thirtieth (around 10 seconds).  Dolphin’s wound site is small and amount of bleeding is little.
Moreover, since the year 2008 December, we can start slaughter and dressing of dolphins hygienically in the new facilities for disposal marine products in the Taiji Fishing Port.  This is the same way that livestock is slaughtered in the special facilities in order to be kept out of sight.
For above-mentioned reasons, the treatment of dolphins criticized by the film “The Cove” is the thing of the past, and it is totally different measure which we adopt now.

Q.12 Does only Japan keep whaling and dolphin fishery?

Both Whales and dolphins belong to Cetacean.  Generally speaking, we call a cetacean which has over 4 meters-adult body as a whale and less than 4 meters-body as a dolphin.  The International Whaling Committee (IWC) targets Great Whales as control subjects.  However, the IWC does not regulate capture of dolphins and Small Cetaceans.
Even Great Whales which are controlled by the IWC, it is admitted to harvest by indigenous people in order to keep them alive.  In the year 2012, 69 great whales are harvested in the US, 143 great whales are harvested in the Russian Federation, and 167 great whales are harvested in Denmark.  Norway and Iceland raised an opposition and they keep commercial whaling.  In the year 2012, Norway captured 464 whales and Iceland captured 52 whales.  On the other hand, Japan does not conduct above-mentioned aboriginal subsistence whaling and commercial whaling.  Japan conducts only research whaling.  In the year 2012 fishing season, Japan captured 424 whales. 
Fisheries of Dolphins and Small Cetaceans, both of which are not controlled by the IWC, are under self regulation by each county in order to avoid resource depletion.  In the year 2010, 2,429 heads were captured in the Greenland and 1,142 heads were captured in Faroe Islands of Denmark.  In the year 2011, Japan captured 3,283 heads (in the year 2010, 6,577 heads) and Wakayama Prefecture captured 1,218 heads (in the year 2010, 1,557 heads) out of them.
We understand that whaling and dolphin fishery are conducted in various regions all over the world.  Japan, even Taiji Town, is not the only country and region to do whaling and dolphin fishery.