Part 2. Let's Defend Together.
Whales Remain in Nature.
Dolphin Remain Free.
みんなで守れ クジラは自然のままで、イルカは自由のままで
By Keiko Olds
Whales and dolphins want to also live long as human beings, they want to fulfill their life.
That can be said for any creature.
Man takes the lives of animals, but even if they to eat while thanking the life they had taken, even if they try to use without waste, the bone and skin, I think humans are doing this to satisfy their lust. You do not change the fact that it is killed anyway. Animals were not raised to be eaten by humans. They should live and die near their own birthplace. Those whom eat animals and take their life, question "then it is ok to take the lives of the livestock?".
If possible, it would be amazing if we do not kill livestock. But where are these livestock born? They are a production of human selection. Humans are responsible to determine the purpose of the livestock, and the power is in their hands. If you eat livestock meat, it is important for them to live in harmony and in peace in which they were born in until they die. When they die, it is necessary for the humans to bear responsibility and the ability to end the life of the livestock peacefully. In Korean and Chinese culture, is it ok for them to eat cats and dogs? This is a bad thing, for they are not livestock, but a animal that coexists with humans since the past ages. But animals that helps human beings are considered as family. So therefore, they should not be killed because of their population increase. They are human creations, therefore they are the human's responsibility to take care of them well.
But wildlife is not in the hand of man. They were born to live in nature. For human beings that do not co-exist in nature is of the other side of the border of creatures.
For the people of Taiji, whale meat is a food of culture. Meat is consumed anywhere in any country but Japan is the reason that included whale meat in the food "pool".
A person who intends to interfere with it, they argue that mercury is contained in the meat in a large amount, or a risk of extinction, they will not be admitted to each other with a variety of reasons.
In the United States. it is reported in the news every time Taiji enforces the fishing.
Environmental protection is exposed in schools as well as nature conservation. Students were shown the "The Cove" in education of animal protection and to inform that Japan a whaling country.
Parents teach the mystical beauty of the whale to children.
Right now, people around the world are watching little fishing village of Taiji.
To determine whom are barbaric and lash out to the whaling and those whom do not, does not matter to the situation.
Japan is a developed country in advances of technology, but The concept of nature and animal protection have not advanced in the minds of Japan.
Many people think that any organism are a lower form of themselves. Non-intelligent and barbaric.
From digital, as age is changing from gasoline to electric analog, it should also change the food culture.
And because the age of hunting is now over in developed countries, leave the hunting and gathering to the indigenous people whom actually need this resource and sustain wildlife properly.
That can be said for any creature.
Man takes the lives of animals, but even if they to eat while thanking the life they had taken, even if they try to use without waste, the bone and skin, I think humans are doing this to satisfy their lust. You do not change the fact that it is killed anyway. Animals were not raised to be eaten by humans. They should live and die near their own birthplace. Those whom eat animals and take their life, question "then it is ok to take the lives of the livestock?".
If possible, it would be amazing if we do not kill livestock. But where are these livestock born? They are a production of human selection. Humans are responsible to determine the purpose of the livestock, and the power is in their hands. If you eat livestock meat, it is important for them to live in harmony and in peace in which they were born in until they die. When they die, it is necessary for the humans to bear responsibility and the ability to end the life of the livestock peacefully. In Korean and Chinese culture, is it ok for them to eat cats and dogs? This is a bad thing, for they are not livestock, but a animal that coexists with humans since the past ages. But animals that helps human beings are considered as family. So therefore, they should not be killed because of their population increase. They are human creations, therefore they are the human's responsibility to take care of them well.
But wildlife is not in the hand of man. They were born to live in nature. For human beings that do not co-exist in nature is of the other side of the border of creatures.
For the people of Taiji, whale meat is a food of culture. Meat is consumed anywhere in any country but Japan is the reason that included whale meat in the food "pool".
A person who intends to interfere with it, they argue that mercury is contained in the meat in a large amount, or a risk of extinction, they will not be admitted to each other with a variety of reasons.
In the United States. it is reported in the news every time Taiji enforces the fishing.
Environmental protection is exposed in schools as well as nature conservation. Students were shown the "The Cove" in education of animal protection and to inform that Japan a whaling country.
Parents teach the mystical beauty of the whale to children.
Right now, people around the world are watching little fishing village of Taiji.
To determine whom are barbaric and lash out to the whaling and those whom do not, does not matter to the situation.
Japan is a developed country in advances of technology, but The concept of nature and animal protection have not advanced in the minds of Japan.
Many people think that any organism are a lower form of themselves. Non-intelligent and barbaric.
From digital, as age is changing from gasoline to electric analog, it should also change the food culture.
And because the age of hunting is now over in developed countries, leave the hunting and gathering to the indigenous people whom actually need this resource and sustain wildlife properly.
Gap of ideas between them
by Keiko Olds
Although there are many people who think that anti-whaling organization's words is a "violent" act. But actually, most of the organizations to do not say such violent things.
They are whale conservation organizations.
In the future development of Taiji, there are plans to build a SeaWorld, except only whales are displayed, called "whale ranch". It is currently in progress.
It's like a plan for the whales trapped in the pond which was partitioned in net like carp.
The Taiji mayor say that it is possible. But if you want to do it on to the trapped whales, I do not think the mayor understands the whale's painful experience.
Stress from living in the wild to the life that is confined to cages can be severe. Whales and dolphins should swim freely in the ocean.
The conservation organization that hopes that they will fulfill a lifelong pristine towards the whale in the ocean. The ones whom care about whales and those whom don't; there is a gap of ideas between them.
太地では将来、"クジラ牧場" と呼ばれる鯨だけのシーワールドを作る計画があり現在進行中だ。
Jessica Rotondi NY/Writer/Director/Actress
I understand that people have different opinions about this but since I'm new here I wanted to mention this to the group. Myself and a group of others started a new Boycott Japan campaign, after fighting for the dolphins being hunted in Taiji for years and knowing how much the gov't has relentlessly supported and protected the "fishermen" of Taiji. Also we feel because there are so many Japanese products people around the world buy AND the Japanese economy is hurting, our boycott could truly have an impact.
This is not about hurting the local people, but about hurting the major Japanese companies that actually can bring about change in the outdated policies. Once we have a certain amount of signatures we will contact Japanese companies.
We want to ask these companies to sponsor new industries for the fishermen of Taiji, like whale watching.
We can show Japan we won't take this anymore if we do it together! You can learn more and sign the boycott at http://bit.ly/1vLqFBT.
Please sign and Boycott Japanese Products. Please also follow the twitter account for updates at https://twitter.com/BoycottJapan_
Sign! Jessica's Petition
Boycott Japanese Products For Dolphins And Whales
World's top zoo organisation accused of links to Taiji dolphin slaughter in Japan
Conservationists take World Association of Zoos and Aquariums to court for allegedly sanctioning a deal with fishermen in which dolphins were selected for capture.
Wakayama prefecture Senator 和歌山県知事
Mayyor of TAIJI 太地町長
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe 阿部総理大臣
What they has to say? 彼等の言いたい事は?
Art by Keiko T. Olds / Translation to English by Keiko A. Olds
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Message to the World from Japanese Activist
Yoshinobu Nisaka (Wakayama prefecture Senator)
◆仁坂吉伸◆ (和歌山県知事)

The Wakayama Prefecture Taiji, the town during this month, embark on research in order to build a "ranch" of whales. In the future, to ensure the size of the Tokyo Dome about six minutes into the bay, and high hopes to help tourism and research keeps a fifty to one hundred whales. This is the first time in the world. (Itsuo Yoshioka)

The Wakayama prefecture Senator's message to TAIJI
Taiji's Whaling Yoshinobu Nisaka (Wakayama prefecture Senator)
I have watched the NHK documentary: "NHK Special: Living With The Whales". It was quite a wonderful show. The reporters took in-depth footage of interviews of fishermen about how they protect their way of life. The fishermen claim to save the ocean life with all kinds of conflicts they felt into doing so and how hard they try to live their lives.
We humans are animals. In order to live, we must kill animals like any other organisms. These practices of killing animals are different in each country due to its location, tradition and religious practices. As part of the human society, we are part of this Earth as a whole. As part of our thoughts, we must recognize we are different from each other but we must acknowledge them as a human being. Just because we are different from other people, or our religions are different, we cannot suppress them or think that we are better than them. We cannot throw them aside or force them to be the same as us. We call them savages.
Our Kumano (The old way of saying Yakayama prefecture) was an ancient town, but we are 180 degrees different now. We have welcomed other traditions and ideas gratefully. But there are many people who do not accept these differences in people. Many people think that we are ruthless killers of smart animals, and other people have forced us to listen to their insults. Going back to what I have said before, to whom do we laugh towards now? Us or the people whom insult us?
Admittedly, it hurts people to see animals being hurt. But, why are cows and birds allowed to be slaughtered and not whales? What about fish? Conservationists film whaling and dolphin fishing only to spread it across the web. We eat cows and pigs, but if the slaughter house had a secret camera embedded to film the killing process, would this not be strange?
The Islamic religion prevents them from eating pigs. The Hindu religion prevents them from eating cow meat. Those normal people with religion don't force upon or violate other traditions different from their own. Of course, we hold the Earth's grace with great compassion and we hold responsible for what we pluck from it. We sometimes reduce the amount of fish being harvested and we have followed the fishing limit that has been set. Therefore, we will continue catching fish. We have been relieved from God to take these fish and have valued the gracious fishery. The ancestors of those conservatives have killed whales just for their oil then trash the rest of the whale. We, on the other hand, are not primitive as those before. The fact that whale population has been increasing is true. Because whales eat fish, we must be cautioned that they eat a lot of fish, reducing their population.
However, they do not even try to understand such a thing, if it is said to be cruel to be shown a scene for a little, there would many people who would ride in it. Is it different from their own slaughters? No matter how many brutal people who do not forgive something different and more accurately speaking, their own tastes. And if such a letter to the governor, many of those supporters are Japanese. I am angry and frustrated about this.
To have that kind of thought, I was thinking about what you can do to protect the people from such attacks of Taiji. First of all, without other arguments, the most important thing I can do is to protect the whale fishery of Taiji. You could go further, I've decided to make a rebuttal to such gratuitous defunct attack or letter to the editor. Of the province of that from the prefecture of staff so far has been advised correspondence, such attacks was that Let us not be become involved in silence. But, it is, I think no longer a thing to let down the people who are resistant to attack in Taiji. My friend, let's not forsake. And we cannot let this problem be unnoticed.
So, to make the Q & A type of position paper, it was decided to put it to the prefecture of the home page. And, to the people who come to suggestion and do not kill the whales and dolphins, it was decided to return the favor.
Look at the TV, to see the people of Taiji to be folded to withstand not get on provocation, it was a renewed determination to not mistreat these people absolutely. We will be able to also. Please continue the good life as long as you don't interfere with Taiji
〜From : Yoshinobu Nisaka (Wakayama prefecture Senator)〜
Tasting of whale Party
The Cove: The Hard Truth of Mercury Poisoning
NHKのドキュメンタリー番組「NHKスペシャル クジラと生きる」を見ました。立派な番組であったと思います。長い時間をかけてじっくり取材をし、太地の漁民の人々がどんなに苦労して生活を守り、また生物の命を絶つという行為に様々な葛藤を感じながら真摯に生きているかを描いてくれていました。
仁坂吉伸 (和歌山県知事)より
◆Kazutaka Sangen◆ (Mayyor of TAIJI)
Taiji mayor is planning to make a "whale ranch"
The Wakayama Prefecture Taiji, the town during this month, embark on research in order to build a "ranch" of whales. In the future, to ensure the size of the Tokyo Dome about six minutes into the bay, and high hopes to help tourism and research keeps a fifty to one hundred whales. This is the first time in the world. (Itsuo Yoshioka)
This initiative is to partition the local Moriurawan with a net, providing a "ranch" of an area two hundred and eighty thousand square meters. They bred more than 7 different Gondo and spotted dolphin species so that tourists to be able to swim can see up close aboard the kayak. To make the Institute of international whales, they also invited (Changping) researchers from abroad.
This year(2013), the town recorded a ten million yen in total research expenses. Already clear of fishing rights issue and pearl farming skill in the art that had been operating in the bay, they are almost finished with surrounding land purchase. Even during this month, a twenty meters sized cage that was placed in the bay, and put a few whale cows in three to five meters of small cetaceans, and there were plans to investigate the influence of the growth. They plan to open part of the "ranch" after five years, with the aim of completion after two decades.
Tne high (sangen Kazutaka) mayor wants to be called a "whale saint". This Year three hundred thousand people of tourists who want to travel to the "Holy Land of the whale". By Leaving the natural environment, and the process proceeds while loading a track record little by little. The town major also wants to get the cooperation of other prefectures.
Tne high (sangen Kazutaka) mayor wants to be called a "whale saint". This Year three hundred thousand people of tourists who want to travel to the "Holy Land of the whale". By Leaving the natural environment, and the process proceeds while loading a track record little by little. The town major also wants to get the cooperation of other prefectures.
Abe responds to dolphin controversy
January 23rd, 2014
Fareed speaks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe about the recent controversy over the killing of dolphins in Taiji. Watch the full interview on "Fareed Zakaria GPS" this Sunday at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. ET on CNN.
Mr. Prime Minister, you know that there is around the world now a controversy. I was wondering what your reaction was to the idea of suggested by the U.S. ambassador that it is inhumane.
The dolphin fishing that takes place in Taiji town is an ancient fishing practice deeply rooted in their culture and their practices and supports their livelihoods. We hope you will understand this.
In every country and region, there are practices and ways of living and culture that have been handed down from ancestors. Naturally, I feel that these should be respected.
At the same time, I am aware that there are various criticisms. I have also heard they are making major improvement in their fishing methods. Both the fishing and fishing methods are strictly regulated.
Post by:
CNN's Jason Miks
Watch interview Video↓
Japanese whaling town butchers 30ft long whale
Japanese whalers went back to their centuries-old tradition of hunting whales on Thursday, carving a 30ft long whale for school children. You can watch video ↓
Seventy-five per cent of Japanese whale meat 'unsold' 14 Jun 2012
Three-quarters of the tons of meat from Japan's controversial whale hunt last year was not sold, despite repeated attempts to auction it, officials said on Wednesday.
The Institute of Cetacean Research, a quasi-public body that organises the country's whaling, said around 75 per cent of roughly 1,200 tons of minke, Bryde's and sei meat from the deep-sea mission did not find buyers.
It is separate from the smaller coastal whaling programmes in northern Japan, whose meat still attracts buyers because it is fresh – as opposed to frozen – and sold in regions with deep whale-eating traditions.
The institute held regular auctions between November and March to sell frozen meat from creatures caught in Northwestern Pacific waters last summer. It was intended to promote whale consumption and increase revenue.
A spokesman for the institute blamed the "disappointing" auction results on food sellers wishing to avoid trouble with anti-whaling activists.
"We have to think about new ways to market whale meat," he told AFP.
Japan exploits a loophole in the international moratorium on whaling allowing for lethal research.
Anti-whaling nations and environmentalist groups routinely condemn the missions as a cover for commercial whaling that they say threatens the population of the giant marine creatures.
Japan however says the research is necessary to substantiate its view that there is a robust whale population in the world.
Japan also argues that whaling is part of its tradition and accuses Western nations of cultural insensitivity. The country's powerful fishing industry, as well as right-wing activists, have urged no compromise.
In a recent report, Japanese anti-whaling campaigners said the poor auction results confirmed that Japanese consumers no longer ate a lot of whale meat.
However, the public supports whaling missions, mainly as a demonstration of their outrage against anti-whaling groups which have harassed Japanese whalers, said a report by freelance journalist Junko Sakuma, released by the Iruka and Kujira (Dolphin and Whale) Action Network.
Sakuma, who studied the institute's auction outcomes, said the top-grade whale meat from the Northwestern Pacific missions still attracted buyers.
But the low general demand for whale meat and Icelandic whale meat imports are creating oversupply, which in turn makes Japan's whaling programme unsustainable, Sakuma said.
"Among (Japanese whaling officials) who continue research whaling by relying on Japanese sentiment that 'anti-whalers are outrageous', there must be people who are secretly thanking Sea Shepherd," she said.
Sea Shepherd is a militant environmental group that has routinely attacked Japanese whalers on the high seas to hinder the hunt.
The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, holds public hearings in the case concerning Whaling in the Antarctic (Australia v. Japan; New Zealand intervening) from 26 June to 16 July 2013, at the Peace Palace in The Hague.
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Message to the World from Japanese Activist