Showing posts with label Dolphin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dolphin. Show all posts


Watch Video and Read Story "Ties of the dolphins" by Satoshi Komiyama of Flippers Japan E/J Bilingual #Taiji

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This video was unpublished,  it will be the world's first time 
being published on the net with the permission of Flipper's Japan 
Representative Satoshi Komiyama. It was posted on YouTube for this blog. 
Please watch the video while following along with the story.
 I hope that you think about this carefully by ruminating this video in your mind. 
                                                  Plus  Doolin's Story ( Animation video )↓bottom of post.
April 12. 2015  Keiko Olds
                                                                                               ART BY Keiko Olds


             A dolphin that does not leave behind the rest. (Bottlenose dolphin)
     Play time「0:01」「0:13」「0:31」「0:37」 
     On Upper-right corner of the screen, You can see the appearance of dolphins 
     on the outside of the net.Those dolphins did not leave until the remaining dolphins in the net was released.  
     Video Footage Recorded on January 21, 2014
     網の中のイルカ達が解放されるまで離れることなく泳いでいました。    2014年1月21日撮影

                  〜Ties of the dolphins〜

In this video's group of bottlenose dolphins in captivity where a rare albino was spotted. 

This time, 233 bottlenose dolphins are captured, Selection is carried out over a period of five days. 
47 dolphins live capture and 46 dolphins have been killed on last day.

This video  is the killing of the remaining dolphins and the footage was taken just prior to release.

Suddenly, One dolphin escaped out of the net.

The Dolphins were out of the nets, but did not run away, 
Dolphins swam to the side of the family that captivity.

In the second half the video, the dolphin that is shifted out of the net is trying to breathe. 
This can be found in the upper right corner of the screen.

Some of caught dolphins where physically hurt and some dolphin had no  energy to swim. 
Some of them immediately faced upside down.

But,  I saw many times that dolphin is upside down, the dolpins came beneth them to support their buoyancy.

This picture is a dolphin that's upside down.

Group of 233 bottlenose dolphins was spent in the cove for  5 days without food.

And they can see that their family are captured, Slain, with the Smell of blood wafting Up their nose, 
and hearing family's scream inside the same cove.

The surviving dolphins will receive a lot of stress.

Dolphin hunting is a simple sentence to say, but such a story about dolphins in captivity 
for their meat and forced into aquarium dolphin show.

Flipper's Japan Representative 
Satoshi Komiyama

Translate to English
Keiko and Ann Olds

Doolin's Story ( Animation video )






捕らわれた群れのそばをずっと泳いで いました。






その鳴き声や、 血のにおいを感じているはずです。



代表 小宮山聡


                            Thank you so much!  Mr. Komiyama.


#FreeBaliDolphins Bogus ‘Rescue’ Behind Cruel Dolphin Circuses

       ~~~~~~FREE  Bali  Dolphins~~~~~~

         TWEET SHEET   ▶︎       

                     ♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎Bogus ‘Rescue’ Behind Cruel Dolphin Circuses♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎♦︎
                                     By Jools Orca 

Dolphins have evolved over millions of years. Intelligent, social and self-aware with a high level emotion makes us fall in love with them, but also exploit them worldwide — including Indonesia.

It is impossible to assure the welfare of captive marine mammals. Many die prematurely and that's if they survive the brutal and traumatic capture process.

Around seventy wild caught dolphins are currently suffering in traveling circuses and tiny pools in hotels and also beachside.

In 2010, local group Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Indonesian National Forestry Commission. A large number of illegally kept dolphins were to be rescued, rehabilitated and released from private businesses in Java and Bali. Only two months after the agreement there was a change of director who did not support the program, yet supported businesses like Taman Safari and Wersut Seguni Indonesia (WSI) who catch and keep dolphins.

WSI is a holding center for dolphins in Central Java province. Dolphins are illegally caught from the Java Sea by local fishermen, employed and equipped by those making huge profits from captive dolphin attractions.

In order to avoid existing laws prohibiting the deliberate capture of dolphins, this practice is done at night and the fishermen claim the dolphins were tangled in fishing nets thus exploiting a loophole in the law.

These "rescued" dolphins are taken to WSI for "treatment" and the Forestry Department issues a temporary permit to keep the dolphins "until healthy and ready for release." To date not one dolphin has been released back into the wild and a 90-meter (approx. 295 feet) sea pen built by Earth Island Institute and JAAN, under the supervision of Ric O'Barry, lies empty in Karimum Jawa National Park.

                                                       There are many Japanese tourists visiting

So what of these places where dolphins are forced to suffer unimaginable cruelty on a daily basis? Many of the 70-plus captive dolphins are forced to perform in traveling circuses which continue to be extremely popular in Indonesia — even broadcast on television.

Kept in tiny containers of water, they spend hours traveling from village to village on bumpy roads. Many die during transport and WSI simply replaces them with new wild-caught dolphins (once again exploiting the "rescued" loophole). All this under the authorization of the Central Java Forestry Department and the Bali Forestry Department Offices.

In May 2012 the head of the Central Java Department was changed. Traveling circus owners organized and paid for his leaving party.

Despite a ban on travel shows in August 2013 by the then-Forestry Minister Mr. Zul Hasan, the travel circus continues to perform, showing that local department won't even take orders from its own Minister, but prioritize a business exploiting dolphins.

Dolphins have evolved over millions of years. Intelligent, social and self-aware with a high level emotion makes us fall in love with them, but also exploit them worldwide — including Indonesia.

It is impossible to assure the welfare of captive marine mammals. Many die prematurely and that's if they survive the brutal and traumatic capture process.

Around seventy wild caught dolphins are currently suffering in traveling circuses and tiny pools in hotels and also beachside.

In 2010, local group Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Indonesian National Forestry Commission. A large number of illegally kept dolphins were to be rescued, rehabilitated and released from private businesses in Java and Bali. Only two months after the agreement there was a change of director who did not support the program, yet supported businesses like Taman Safari and Wersut Seguni Indonesia (WSI) who catch and keep dolphins.

WSI is a holding center for dolphins in Central Java province. Dolphins are illegally caught from the Java Sea by local fishermen, employed and equipped by those making huge profits from captive dolphin attractions.

In order to avoid existing laws prohibiting the deliberate capture of dolphins, this practice is done at night and the fishermen claim the dolphins were tangled in fishing nets thus exploiting a loophole in the law.

These "rescued" dolphins are taken to WSI for "treatment" and the Forestry Department issues a temporary permit to keep the dolphins "until healthy and ready for release." To date not one dolphin has been released back into the wild and a 90-meter (approx. 295 feet) sea pen built by Earth Island Institute and JAAN, under the supervision of Ric O'Barry, lies empty in Karimum Jawa National Park.


So what of these places where dolphins are forced to suffer unimaginable cruelty on a daily basis? Many of the 70-plus captive dolphins are forced to perform in traveling circuses which continue to be extremely popular in Indonesia — even broadcast on television.

Kept in tiny containers of water, they spend hours traveling from village to village on bumpy roads. Many die during transport and WSI simply replaces them with new wild-caught dolphins (once again exploiting the "rescued" loophole). All this under the authorization of the Central Java Forestry Department and the Bali Forestry Department Offices.

In May 2012 the head of the Central Java Department was changed. Traveling circus owners organized and paid for his leaving party.

Despite a ban on travel shows in August 2013 by the then-Forestry Minister Mr. Zul Hasan, the travel circus continues to perform, showing that local department won't even take orders from its own Minister, but prioritize a business exploiting dolphins.

Photo: Jakarta Animal Aid Network

Indeed a dolphin pool opened in July last year in the very popular Bali resort of Keramas where four wild-caught juveniles now suffer in a tiny pool — the opening of this pool was attended by the local Forestry Department.

This pool was opened to compete with the notorious Melka Dolphin Resort Hotel whose website proudly boasts "Dolphin Show," "Swimming with Dolphins" and that money-induced myth "Dolphin Therapy." What they don't boast here is a high mortality rate amongst its dolphins, nor the fact that frustrated dolphins have been known to "rape" paying guests.

There is a floating sea pen just off the Bali coast in Sanur, but it's just an excuse for more exploitation and more money. The dolphins here weren't "rescued," nor will they ever be "released," which is what visitors are told as they hand over their money.

A change of government in October last year was hoped to bring change, but Indonesia continues to have a very big and serious problem with the dolphin trade.

Neglected by the authorities, it is having a big impact on the region's biodiversity and indeed the reputation of Indonesia itself. 

                                                             By Jools Orca 





悪質なイルカ捕獲を禁止する法律を避けるために捕獲は夜行われ、漁師は "漁網に絡まった" と主張し法の抜け穴を悪用している。

また、リック・オバリーの監督の下、アースアイランド研究所とJAANによって作られた Karimum ジャワ国立公園の幅90メートル(約295フィート)の海の囲いも空っぽのままである。


イルカは水の入った小さなコンテナに入れられ、デコボコ道を何時間もかけて走り村から村へ移動する。輸送中に多くのイルカが死亡するが、WSIは単に新しい野生捕獲イルカ(もう一度 "救出"抜け穴を悪用して)に置き換えられる。全てが中部ジャワ森林局とバリ林業局事務所の許可の下で行われている。


2013年8月当時、農林大臣ズル ハサンにより、移動ショーが禁止されたにもかかわらず移動サーカスは継続しているのは、地元の団体が自分達のイルカを悪用したビジネスを優先順位付けし、大臣からの命令ですら聞こうとしなかった。

実際、昨年7月にバリのKaramasで人気の高いリゾートで、イルカのプールがオープンし、捕獲した野生のイルカが今も小さなプールで苦しんでいる - このプールのオープニング式典には、地元の森林局が出席しました。




Transrate to Japanese by Keiko Olds and Love Cat


Petition by
Miami, Florida  リック・オバリーからの嘆願書

We have all heard of those traveling circuses that transport their captive animals from city to city, forcing them to perform in an endless cycle of depressing servitude.

What you probably haven’t heard of is dolphins being featured as the main act.

As hard as it is to believe, dolphin traveling circuses are a big hit in Indonesia. There are three separate companies running these inhumane operations, much to the delight of the uninformed spectators who pay pennies each to see the dolphins perform. There are 72 dolphins currently enslaved in Indonesia illegally, many of which are in captivity in these three traveling circuses.

The Ric O'Barry Dolphin Project staff have been working closely with the Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN) to lobby the Indonesian government to release the dolphins, many of whom were illegally poached from their ocean homes. JAAN and Dolphin Project have constructed a sea pen, where the dolphins would be rehabilitated and released back to the wild.

However, the government has not issued promised permits to JAAN and Dolphin Project for these illegal dolphins, despite a previous agreement to turn over these abused animals. Read more about the ongoing situation here. JAAN and Dolphin Project are pursuing legal efforts and media attention to put pressure on the government to take action.

You can help. Urge the President of Indonesia to provide the captive dolphins to Jakarta Animal Aid Network and Dolphin Project, which are the ONLY organizations in Indonesia with the expertise, equipment, facilities and proven ability to care for, rehabilitate, and release captive dolphins back into the wild.

      +++Message about captive dolphins from Dame Dr. Jane Goodall+++


   $$$ Melka Dolphin Resort Hotel $$$

              BAWA Bali - Bali Animal Welfare Association

Дельфины в Melka Excelsior Hotel (Бали) / Dolphines @ Melka Excelsior Hotel (Bali)

                                                    Bali captive dolphins 2011

Please Shut Down The Traveling Dolphin Circus

Dolphins at the Melkior Hotel in Lovina, Northern Bali, Indonesia

The Captivated Smile Ext

Ric O'Barry BLOG | Dolphins Made and Wayan in Bali Kidnapped!   
February 24, 2013 by Ric O'Barry, Earth Island Institute
By Ric O’Barry
Dolphin Project
Earth Island Institute

Things are continuing to get complicated in Indonesia.  I was supposed to go home last week, but I stayed here in Bali anticipating a move of two dolphins, named Made and Wayan, who are kept in a small filthy swimming pool at a local café for the tourists.  We had the Minister of Forestry himself come to see these dolphins, and he announced their treatment was inhumane and he would seize them with our help and move them to our sea pen for rehabilitation and release.

Well, last night the dolphins were spirited away from Bali and the café, being driven in a truck into the teeth of a typhoon to get them away from us.  It is still not clear what the outcome will be.  Below are the details by our friends from Jakarta Animal Aid Network .

I will remain here in Bali until this can be sorted out, but we urge the Forestry Minister to take action.  You can too (see the Twitter link below).  – Ric O’Barry

Illegally Captive Dolphins in Bali Kidnapped!

Under an otherwise sunny and peaceful day on the southern beaches of Bali, Indonesia, another dark shadow is cast over the captive dolphin industry and the lack of government enforcement

The public, local, national, and regional press is outraged at the direct and blatant breach of contract, breach of commitment, breach of national laws and regulations regarding captive dolphins, Made and Wayan, being displayed at the Akame Restaurant in Benoa Harbor, Bali, Indonesia.

After openly admitting to the public and the press that Made and Wayan were being kept and commercially exploited illegally and that he would himself ensure the facility was closed down and Made and Wayan delivered immediately to a rehabilitation center that has been specifically designed for their rehabilitation, care, and release back into their natural habitat.  But it appears the public announcements and promises provided care of the Mister of Forestry, Minister Zul Hasan, may have been lip service.

Following public meetings and forums during the first week of February in Jakarta questioning the captive dolphin industry and exploitation of dolphins for commercial use, the head of the Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia, Minister Zul Hasan, flew personally to Bali on the 13th of February to witness first hand one of the many locations in Bali and throughout Indonesia known to be holding two male dolphins, Made and Wayan, purchased illegally and held in captivity without legal permits being openly used for commercial exploitation in extremely inadequate and in many cases life-threatening conditions.  In front of the international press, NGO’s, and general public, the Minister directly stated in a groundbreaking milestone and a shining ray of hope for the widespread need for strict enforcement of illegal animal trade and captivity in Indonesia, that he would personally oversee the closing of the facility, transport, and release of Made and Wayan to a facility built in 2010 specifically for the purpose of assisting the Government to properly care, rehabilitate and release the dolphins back to their natural habitat.  During his visit the Minister claimed the Akame Restaurant facilities in Bali were “cruel and unacceptable”, and since the Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN) and Ric O’Barry’s Dolphin Project had built a fully functional rehabilitation center in Karimun Jawa ready to receive them, Made and Wayan could be transported humanely and released directly into the sea-pen where the healing process could begin.

This all in following an MOU that was signed between JAAN, Dolphin Project and the Forestry Department dating back to October 2010 to rehabilitate the widely uncovered and documented illegal captive dolphins in Indonesia, which were found and documented to be kept in centers in Java and then shipped in grossly inadequate trucks and containers around the world’s largest island archipelago, in the world’s last remaining traveling Dolphin Circus.

However, following the signing of the MOU in 2010, the rehabilitation center has remained empty and the Minister had achieved no positive progress or action up until the direct public announcement and claim of enforcement responsibility on the 13th of February 2013, in Bali.  This past lack of progress in enforcement of this illegal trade is likely due to pressure from the captive dolphin industry to influence various factions of the Ministry against following through on their responsibilities for law enforcement.

A dolphin in the last traveling dolphin circus in the world jumps through a flaming hoop.  Photo by Kate Tomlinson.

When the Minister finally heard about all of these problems and directly addressed the Indonesian public and media starting the first week of February 2013 at the @America Center in Jakarta, and his subsequent declaration of justice in Bali on the 13th of December, daily media articles, news, and social media flooded the airwaves.  The Minister was publicly applauded by a wide audience, both nationally and internationally, for his direct and open address to the public and commitment to proper law enforcement.  The news that these dolphins would be released enlightened many people, including those tourists who had reported about the poor conditions of the dolphins and were appalled that a tourism destination such as Bali would allow such cruel and blatant exploitation.

However, for ten days following this public announcement, the Akame Restaurant continued to hold its commercial dolphin shows and no subsequent action was taken.  This lead to a local protest at the site on Friday 22nd February, attended by concerned citizens who alerted the media to question the lack of follow-up enforcement and to question the commitments made to immediately release the dolphins to their rightful natural habitat.

Now, all our equipment and a helicopter have been prepared for the transfer of Made and Wayan to the sea pen from Bali.  Groups and experts have been mobilized, flown in from around the world, and prepared in urgency to assist the Minister with his admirable commitment to relocate these Made and Wayan to Karimun Jawa rehabilitation center, constructed by Earth Island Institute Dolphin Project’s world famous dolphin activist Ric O’Barry and JAAN. 

As the team was on standby in Bali for the relocation exercise, the news that the two dolphins left Akame Restaurant clandestinely on Saturday 23rd February at approximately 17:00 came as a shock and direct breach and conflict to the commitments that had been made to date.  The dolphins are now currently on a truck, to be transported inhumanely over 20 hours or more to be put in a condition even worse than that noted by the Minister as being “cruel and unacceptable”.  They are understood to be headed back to the original dolphin captivity center for the traveling Circus in Weleri, Central Java.  The owner of the travel show has his holding station there, and it is widely documented that this is the where Made and Wayan were originally kept and sold to unlicensed commercial exploitation facilities around the country.

This transport should not have been allowed.  Further acknowledging the lack of care of these animals, it is clear no one has checked with the meteorology center of Indonesia – Made and Wyan are heading into a tropical depression with heavy rain and sustained winds up to 40 knots predicted for the next 4-5 days.  It is likely that marine transportation in Indonesia crossing islands could be halted or considered extremely dangerous with small and large craft advisories in place, further jeopardizing the safety of  Made and Wayan in the current makeshift transportation vehicle.  The transportation of these animals overland, and across public ferries, in inadequate trucks with inadequate health and safety considerations, back to their original captive location where they were originally sold illegally, is in breach of all commitments, laws, and regulations as openly recognized by those responsible for both creating and enforcing the laws pertaining to this subject, the Ministry of Forestry as representative of the Indonesian Government. 

Instead the dolphins should have been, as promised, transported by helicopter and expert team that were pre-arranged, who have been waiting voluntarily and patiently in Bali for more than 10 days, on a journey that would have taken only three hours, and would have brought the animals home, to be nursed and released to their families and their natural environment, where they so rightfully belong.  The current transport violates national and international laws and regulations, by-laws, and treaties and must be stopped immediately.

You can help: 

JAAN and the Dolphin Project have issued an urgent call to action for the public to tweet the Forestry Minister @Zul_Hasan and ask him to stop the truck and release the dolphins as promised.

 Photos by Kate Tomlinson.x

Indonesia Travel Circus Fuels Illegal Dolphin Trade

♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎(⌒▽⌒)This is right way. Natural Dolphin Watching in Bali. (⌒▽⌒)♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎


Bali Dolphin Advertising  


Bali Dolphin

      Thank you very much for covering the sad plight of 
     dolphins in Bali and Indonesia. Excellent work.                                                                   
     From   @Jools_Orca.         


Part 3. We don't need anymore Dolphins Show Aquarium. To Taiji dolphin activists, a message to you.

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 Further to popular demand, all our live mammal shows will be replaced by this.

IMAX, 3-D, and the virtual reality technology  Queensland University of Technology
IMAX、3-D、およびバーチャルリアリティ技術             クイーンズランド工科大学

Getting back to nature: a visitor takes a photo of jellyfish 
in the aquarium in Wuhan, China. Photo by Reuters

                                                              Space Museums "TeNQ" in Tokyo dome

    To Taiji dolphin activists, a message to you:  (2)
            From Action for Marine Mammals Representative
                             Toshiaki Morioka

Dolphin protection activists who have working in Taiji has been told to "Get out of Taiji" and continues to be abused by dolphin hunting advocates and the right-wing nationalist faction. They are too unilateral to create a discussion. The fishermen deepens their confidence and pride against the Japanese dolphin release for dolphin protection activists. The fisherman cannot push away the activists because they are intrigued to accomplish their goal. Those activists do not need to listen to these abusive words. I want those whom use force to stop the fisherman whom hunt Dolphins, whole heartedly, to leave the area. 

Before I state my opinion, about the area in which the dolphin hunting occur, we have to say that they are doing the wrong thing and are making a grave mistake. In Wakayama Taiji, from Japan's agricultural view, the supply of Dolphins provides only 1/8 of the whole dolphin supply. 
(in 2012, the total number of Dolphins caught was over 16497, and out of the total, Taiji caught 2013). The Japanese dolphin hunting requires a harpoon to kill the animal. The fishermen catch the Dolphins far enough that you cannot see by a binocular. Right now, 

Dolphin hunting in Hokkaido is still being carried out. Dolphin hunting has began due to the  rapid recovery of devastated by the tsunami Tohoku region (mainly Iwate Prefecture). Dolphin hunting in Taiji is easy to be seen by the public eye from the simple reason that the massacre has created "The Cove" documentary. However, a larger tragedy is not just in Taiji but many of them are done elsewhere. We must be kept note of that fact.

Right now, a lot of dolphin protection activists gather in Taiji because of a big misunderstanding. 
Taiji's goal is not to hunt for food.
"Taiji have to hunt in order to eat" This quote is a widespread in the media and displayed as a wrong propaganda. "Protect the tradition of dolphin food" is what fisherman wants to display.

In the late 1960s, whaling in Taiji (dolphin) was very different.
The Mayor of Taiji of those days with held the name "town of whaling" to Taiji in 1969 so that tourists would come as well as opening the Taiji Whale Museum with training facilities for Dolphins. 
In order to sell the dolphin in facilities for dolphin shows in Japan and overseas, they created a training area to tame them.
Up to 2014, Taiji house a facility in which they take in wild dolphins and tame them. 

Cute, smart, and well accustomed to humans, to catch the dolphin that hears you very well, must be a motivation catch a lot of dolphins and choose one that fits that description. 
Drive Hunting's Hunting is the No. 1 best way that does not injure the dolphin. So fisherman catches a dolphin just for the aquarium and kills the remaining lot. 
And eating dolphins in Taiji, rather than the traditions and food culture, began after 1969. The catching of Dolphins was first mainly for dolphin aquariums, but the remaining Dolphins were given to the fisherman as a bonus. 
"I have eaten due to a habit".  Even if everyone is persuading fisherman and telling them to  "not eat the dolphin", people of Taiji will not stop.
This is because because the dolphins are sold for the aquarium and does not have to stop fishing.

Us, the activists, must stop the dolphin aquariums. So I need to share this with a lot of people.
We must persuade people not to buy dolphin show tickets. It is the only way.
It not a simple matter, and this does not solve the problem immediately.
The Government and intellectuals in South Korea Eliminated the the dolphin show after a long discussion with the People. 

The demonstrations that activists carry out in Taiji do not change anything. Even if the hidden camera or spying, this is the wrong course of action.  Admittedly, monitoring is a necessity, but it is no doubt you will be directed to a more worst situation. It may possibly increase fundings from the government due to low buisness.
This should be well known to dolphin protection activists.
We must fight not only Taiji, but the other 53 locations in Japan and it's Dolphinarium with more than 300 places in the world.
Because people are going to see the dolphins, they can sell dolphin.
The dolphin show is neither logical or part of culture; it is simply business.
Dolphin fishing and sales of bio-sale has been carried out using tax money. 
Therefore, dolphin conservationists and environmental protection organizations in the world must direct their effort and be committed to eliminating the dolphin show.

Action for Marine Mammals 
Representative:Toshiaki Morioka

海洋哺乳類を守る会 代表  森岡敏明より




1960年代後半を境に太地で捕鯨(イルカ猟)のスタイルは大きく変化している。当時の太地町長が太地を「捕鯨の町」として 町おこしの材料にしようと、1969年にイルカの馴致施設を備えた「太地町立くじらの博物館 (Taiji Whale Museum)」を開館した。馴致施設とはイルカを飼い馴らし、イルカショーのために国内及び海外の水族館に転売できるよう訓練するための施設である。2014年現在、この施設を備えイルカを飼育しているのは、世界でも太地町のみである*1。



海外のイルカ保護活動家が太地でデモをし、モニターをし、スパイまがいの活動をしているのは、残念ながらまったく逆効果で筋違いな活動と言わざるを得ない。確かに太地については監視も必要な側面はあるが、外野やマスコミを煽る負の効果のほうがはるかに大きく、なかんずく、税金の拠出根拠にされていることには言及せざるを得ない。このことにイルカ保護活動家であるなら無関心であってはならない。我々が向かうべきは太地ではなく、日本全国に53か所、そして世界各国に300ヶ所以上存在する水族館 (Dolphinarium)である。言うまでもないが、需要があるからこそ供給がある。イルカショーとは倫理や文化の問題ではなく、ビジネスの領域に属する問題である。イルカ猟が税金と生体販売の売上金で維持されている以上、我々イルカ保護活動家及び国内海外の環境保護団体はイルカショーのチケットを買わせない活動にリソースを集中すべきである。問題を解決するためには問題のルーツを正しく見極めなければならない。

海洋哺乳類を守る会 代表

 ◎◎◎Smoll Tipe whaling and Dolphin hunt in Japan◎◎◎

           ↓2004 Shizuoka, Futo, Drive-hunting like Taiji. They have switched to dolphin watching now.

         ↓Chiba-prefecture Wada (Crossbow) 千葉県和田(突き棒)↓




                   Aquariums housing dolphins and their population

How Long Do animal Live?  動物の寿命

Part 1. Message to the World from Japanese Activist 

Part 2. What they has to say.Wakayama prefecture Senator and Mayyor of TAIJI

To be contenue to part 4.  Coming soon.

Table of Content